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my proposal

A high percentage of plastic waste reaches the territories through supermarkets. However, they are not held responsible for their logistical role.
It is for this reason that, in 2014, in the face of the uncontrolled pollution caused by them, I proposed that supermarkets should be included in the collection chain.
By simply adding the weight and type of plastic to the barcodes associated with any goods on sale, it would also be possible to create waste accounting and consequent control of the sector.
This second aspect of the proposal was taken up by Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and gave rise to the book that can be downloaded from this page.

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the book

The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC),  EUROCLIMA+ programme and with the support of the Presidency of the 25th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change (COP 25), Chile, studied a proposal to trace and account for plastic in the economies of Latin America and the Caribbean. The traceability and accounting of plastic will allow better responses to those involved in the production, distribution, use, consumption, collection and even recycling of this material.
The proposal, which already has a minimum viable product, is based on an IT tool: the A.P.A. (Attributes for Storage) system. It will record the weight and type of plastic stored, among other data, in a digital register associated with the bar code of the products marketed.
The stored data, incorruptible and public, will allow the generation of statistics useful for the economy, legal and tax responsibilities and control. The system can be extended to track other objects, inputs and products in trade and in different sectors. In addition to the use of this data recording tool, the possibility of chemical recycling of plastics is being explored, which would close the circularity of plastics.

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Supermarkets are an important logistical channel for waste to reach the territories. Their responsibility on plastic waste should therefore not be limited to own-brand products, for which they are considered producers, it should be extended to all packaging that passes through their shops.

The research underpins the paradigm proposed by Salina, which is based on the following conceptual triad: supermarkets (as the logistical collection channel for all plastic waste); waste accounting (to provide maximum collection transparency); chemical recycling (which expands the quantities of recyclable plastic waste and may transform it into an attractive economic value).

Nevertheless, due to the sector's very low interest in plastic pollution (which, according to research, has even hindered the development of new regulations and policies), it is suggested that only an economic benefit could encourage the supermarket sector to involve itself in the plastic waste collection.

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